For full list, please see Google Scholar
MD Matthews, E Cook, N Naguib, UB Wiesner, KJ Lewis, “Intravital imaging of osteocyte integrin dynamics with locally injectable fluorescent nanoparticles,” Bone (2023)
KJ Lewis, “Osteocyte calcium signaling – A potential translator of mechanical load to mechanobiology,” Bone (2021)
KJ Lewis, PC Zuckerman, JF Boorman-Padgett, J Basta-Pljakic, J Louie, S Stephen, DC Spray, MM Thi, Z Seref-Ferlengez, RJ Majeska, S Weinbaum, MB Schaffler, “Estrogen depletion on In vivo osteocyte calcium signaling responses to mechanical loading,” Bone (2021)
KJ Lewis, X Yi, CS Wright, EZ Pemberton, WA Bullock, WR Thompson, AG Robling. “The mTORC2 Component Rictor Is Required for Load-Induced Bone Formation in Late-Stage Skeletal Cells,” JBMR Plus (2020)
KJ Lewis, RB-J Choi, EZ Pemberton, WA Bullock, AB Firulli, AG Robling, “Twist1 inactivation in Dmp1-expressing cells increases bone mass but does not affect the anabolic response to sclerostin neutralization,” Int. J. Mol. Sci (2019)
WA Bullock, AM Hoggatt, DJ Horan, KJ Lewis, H Yokota, S Hann, ML Warman, A Sebastian, GG Loots, FM Pavalko, AG Robling, “Expression of a Degradation‐Resistant β‐Catenin Mutant in Osteocytes Protects the Skeleton From Mechanodeprivation‐Induced Bone Wasting,” JBMR (2019)
KJ Lewis, D Frikha-Benayed, J Louie, S Stephen, DC Spray, MM Thi, Z Seref-Ferlengez, RJ Majeska, S Weinbaum, MB Schaffler, “Osteocyte calcium signals encode strain magnitude and loading frequency in vivo,” PNAS 114(44):11775-11780 (2017)
C McGoverin, KJ Lewis, M Bostrom, and N Pleshko, "The Contribution of Bone and Cartilage to the Near-Infrared Spectrum of Osteochondral Tissue," Appl. Spectrosc. 68, 1168-1175 (2014)